Is this the last year my children want to visit Santa? My 10 year old is still campaigning to his friends that there IS a Santa. I told Chasen last night, as we were waiting in line for 1 1/2 hours at The Grove for a quick visit to the "man in question", "How can all of the world's parents be keeping the same secret? How is this possible? We didn't have email or radio or tv to get the word out, so how can there be no Santa?" This absolutely sealed the deal for him. He told me this was going to be his argument tomorrow at school. Yikes! Am I setting my son up for the biggest disappointment of his life? What did I just do? All I wanted was to hang on to the last fleeting moments of childhood innocence. Is that so wrong? So my guilt took over and when the cute boy elf wanted to know if I wanted a DVD of the visit that they recorded, of course I said "yes". This is the last of my children's childhood captured digitally for me to treasure forever!
Cost of guilt: $50 bucks!

Here we are blissfully waiting in line in 53 degree weather. How do you like my winter coat?

Of cousre, this is Los Angeles and we have to make our own snow. So at 7 and at 8 o'clock, it snows at the mall.
See the machine blowing out bubble flakes?

My daughter was very disappointed that it wasn't REAL snow. I told her "Honey, this is LA. Everything is fake". She didn't quite get my sarcasm.

Here is a festive trolley that runs from one end of the mall to the other.

This is the 106 ft tree with Santa and his sleigh flying over head.

It did really snow around us on Wednesday. It snowed at Malibu beach and at my sister's house who lives 30 minutes away (she is at a higher elevation than us) But our mountains got a nice dusting. This is a view from my bedroom window.

On Wednesday, my friend Paula had a "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party. No offense to those of you who still wear these!

It was a lot of fun catching up with friends.

I just got my Christmas cards out yesterday...Yikes!
Hope you enjoy the last few days before Christmas!
Your explanation is perfect! I dread the time of disbelief. I just want the "magic" to be there forever!
Love the "sweater party"! Can you still buy sweaters that have been generously embellished ;)
My friend Sandra bought her vest from WalMart, kept the tags on it and then took it back after the party...too funny!
We weren't big on Santa at our house... I usually avoided the question or answer that santa lives in our hearts or something like that. I was afraid that when she found out the truth she would think of me as a liar...and I wanted her to always be able to come to me with life's questions and know that I would answer her honestly. Each kid is different and as moms we all do what we think works best for them. Enjoy your holidays.
Oh my goodness! I seriously think I need to throw one of these parties! Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. Parties are just so much fun! I am definitely going to keep my eye on your blog!!
Merry Christmas!
My sons are 30 and 28...I never told them, that is the truth...
Because at our house...Santa just stood for love...oh they asked..and I answered with I believe...
School is hard COLD place... I so feel for you!
(was I right? probably not in any science book...this Christmas I nibbled cookies and ate carrots...made footprints in the snow...and now they too are Santa's helpers)
Oh what a DEEP blog post!
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