A few weeks ago on the Martha Stewart show, she had Julie Andrews on to help her make fairy terrariums. It was in keeping with the theme of Julie's new movie "Tooth Fairy". I was so enamoured with the idea, I decided to make my own. You can go to
Martha's website for a material list. First, she suggests getting an extra large glass canister from Crate and Barrel for $28. I bought mine at WalMart for $12.97.

Instead of buying decorative rock at the garden center for $4 a bag, I got mine at the Dollar Tree for $1 a bag. I used 2. I also got my plants from the flower mart in downtown Los Angeles.

I mixed 3 parts orchid bark with 1 part horticultural charcoal. I went to Lowe's and asked for horticultural charcoal and the guy took me to the BBQ section-NOT the same! I also added some glitter-just like Martha. I misted the plants with water-that's all they need!

Here is how I made the lid...Martha used birch bark sheets but turned them over and used the "brown" side. I really liked all of the lichen on mine, so I used the top side. I cut the sheets into little squares and hot glued them to the lid.

I ordered 5 birch sheets from
Sav-on-crafts and I used 3.

On the knob of the lid, I used wrapped wire and affixed it with hot glue. Martha used the top of a pinecone to adorn the top but my didn't look right so I just continued with the wrapped wire.

Here is the fun part! She used LED lights on the inside of the lid to illuminate the plants! I got mine from
Sav-on-crafts as well. I used E6000 glue to affix it to the lid.

It looks so cool at night! This will be going on my new desk so I can have greenery with low maintinence.