More Barbies!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Pink Saturday on Universal City Walk
More Barbies!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Chinese Tea Party
I used my 100 year old Haviland china and wrapped the napkins with red Midori ribbon and beaded panda ornaments.
The guests wore the pink Mandarin dresses I passed out to them on Wednesday. They looked so cute! They even wore their hair back in buns. When they arrived, the girls practiced picking up grapes with chopsticks.
"Tea" time consisted of egg rolls, raspberry lemonade, PB&J, Fluffernutters, turkey roll-ups, chocolate dipped strawberries, grapes and veggies with dill dip.
The girls loved stuffing their own panda bears. I even had little kimonos for the bears to wear.
They each made a wish on a wishing star for their own bear and then made a wish for Sheridan and put it in her bear.
Yasi taught the girls how to make origami bunny rabbits.
Here are the fortunes cookies I made in the frosted take-out boxes.
When Sheridan opened her presents, each gift-giver got to sit next to her while she opened their gift. It makes the girls feel special. I asked one guest what her favorite part of the party was and she said "opening presents".
The cake was a two tiered Devil's Food cake with home made ganache. I made a double batch and whipped the first batch for filling and a crumb coat and left the second batch to drizzle over the rest. I chopped a total of 4 lbs. of bittersweet Belgium chocolate and used 1/2 gallon of heavy cream for it. The girls said it tasted like fudge. The cake was inspired by a Martha Stewart wedding cake. I even bought the sugar cherry blossoms from Wendy Kromer, the same ones that are on the Martha cake. Martha used fondant but I found kids don't usually like it. This is the Martha cake...
I love the rhinestone monogram on the top of the cake!
Sheridan and her guests had a fabulous time. All the many hours of planning paid off BIG's so nice to see my daughter having such a good time with her friends.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pre-Party Pink Saturday
I made tags for each girl asking them to wear the dress to the party.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lady Bumble Party

This party was also adapted to The Very Hungry Caterpillar book for a 2 year old. Too cute!