I'm sorry I've been MIA from blog posting but I have been trying to squeeze as much "fun" as I can out of the next few days because school starts on Thursday! Last Friday, I signed my son up for high school...he is officially a FRESHMAN! When did THAT happen? He was just a 6 year old when Sheridan was born and that was just last week, right?
On Saturday, I hosted a Girls Night Out for my backyard movie. I screened Romancing the Stone. It was the movie I saw on my very first date! I served Sangria, apple empanadas and chips and guacamole. My friend Marina brought homemade salsa...super yummy! I got requests for more GNOs!

On Sunday, I took the kids to a Dodger game. We sat in the shade, yeah!, and ate Dodger Dogs, sipped on cherry Icees and compared shades of red on our tongues. The Dodgers lost but I don't care. The kids got free Webkins and I got to spend time with my babies.

On Monday, Sheridan and I decided to take a trip to Santa Barbara. It is about 1 hour and 15 minutes north of where we live. We visited the zoo (where her 9th birthday will take place) and scoped out the site. The zoo is like a park and the lions and giraffes have an ocean view since they are right across the street from the beach.

Next, we headed to the Santa Barbara Pier to the Ty Warner Sea Center. Sheridan spent 2 HOURS collecting specimens from the sea and checking them out under a microscope. She is my future Marine Biologist!

After the lab studies, we headed down to the beach for some practical study. Sheridan had a great time dodging the small waves. Tomorrow---Bowling!